Comment on “Military Regime Begins to Collapse: Dissatisfaction with Japan Expressed by Myanmar’s Pro-Democracy “Foreign Minister” during her Visit to Japan” [in Japanese]

On December 3, 2023, Professor Maiko Ichihara of the Graduate School of Law commented on the Tokyo Shimbun article, “Military Regime Begins to Collapse: Dissatisfaction with Japan Expressed by Myanmar’s Pro-democracy “Foreign Minister” during her Visit to Japan.” The article discusses the visit to Japan in November by Zin Ma Aung, Foreign Minister of the National Unity Government (NUG), which was formed by democratic groups to oppose the military, which staged a coup in February 2021. Professor Ichihara noted that the visit of Myanmar’s pro-democracy Foreign Minister to Japan plays a positive role in reporting the current situation of Myanmar and raising awareness about the country in Japan. She then commented that to achieve stability in Myanmar, the Japanese government needs to have a dialogue not only with the military but also with the NUG and ethnic minorities. She hopes that the Japanese government will establish relations with the NUG, even informally, to activate diplomacy to solve the Myanmar issue.