【GGR BROWN BAG Lunch Seminar】Dispute Settlement Outside the State: Evidence from Italy
DateFebruary 21, 2024
PlaceKunitachi Campus, Hitotsubashi University (Venue will be notified upon pre-registration)
Event Outline

GGR will hold the 25th GGR Brown Bag Lunch Seminar which will be held as below:


Title Dispute Settlement Outside the State: Evidence from Italy
Speaker Davide Barrera (Associate Professor, University of Turin, Italy. Research Fellow, Collegio Carlo Alberto)
Date  February 21, 2024 (Wed.)
Time 15:00-16:00
Venue Kunitachi Campus, Hitotsubashi University (Venue will be notified upon pre-registration)
Language English
Pre-registration https://hrs.ad.hit-u.ac.jp/v33/entries/add/714


About the lecturer:

Davide Barrera is associate professor of economic sociology at the University of Turin and research fellow at Collegio Carlo Alberto. He has conducted interdisciplinary research on various topics, focusing especially on trust, cooperation, social networks, and experimental methodology. He has published in highly ranked journals such as Social Networks, European Sociological Review, Sociological Methods & Research, Socio-Economic Review, and others.


We are looking forward to your participation.

The Institute for Global Governance Research (GGR)