Other Publications
Capital Corrosivo: el caso chileno
AbstractThis publication is the result of FPP’s research on investments and projects conducted by authoritarian states’ companies within the Chilean territory. Conclusions point to the role of institutions to prevent corrosive effects. It also presents recommendations to other Latin American countries.
The Development of Human Rights Diplomacy without Arbitrariness
AbstractPopulism within countries, influence-operations by authoritarian states, and innovations in information technology have weakened human rights norms and rapidly mainstreamed human rights diplomacy.
Ill Winds: Saving Democracy from Russian Rage, Chinese Ambition, and American Complacency [In Japanese]
AbstractDemocracies are being attacked by authoritarian countries through influence operations, and ideological polarizations are emerging at home. This book on democracy comprehensively captures such attacks from outside and self-destruction from inside. Dr. Larry Diamond or 'Mr. Democracy,' who was the first to point out the recent decline of democracy, offers a warning and a prescription for democratic renewal.
Homogenous Japan? An Empirical Examination on Public Perceptions of Citizenship in Japan
AbstractThe paper assesses how the public in the ethnic nation views citizenship acquisition criteria. The results show that, overall, Japanese people most heavily rely on the nationalities of parents, particularly those of fathers, in judging who qualifies as “Japanese.” These results seem to reflect Japan’s long-lasting belief in cultural homogeneity as well as patriarchal values, which are reinforced by a patrilineal tradition of citizenship.
Conscientious Objection, Ethics of
AbstractThis article is an updated version of the first and second editions of the original manuscript by Professor Michael K. Duffey. It covers the religious and philosophical grounds for conscientious objection to military service. The grounds for refusal in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism are addressed. Since the number of countries adopting conscription is diminishing today, the problem of conscientious objection to military service should be eliminated. Both the United Nations and the European Court of Human Rights have come to recognize that the right to conscientious objection to military service is guaranteed under the freedom of conscience and religion. A contested issue is whether people may exercise the right of conscientious objection to specific armed conflict.
Alliances in International Politics [in Japanese]
AbstractThis special issue is an attempt to reexamine the dynamics of alliance politics from historical and theoretical perspectives. The subsequent essay serves as an introduction to the current issue and is divided in two parts. The first half provides a short overview of the theoretical and historical literature concerning alliance politics, with special attention to important topics, such as: alliance formation, alliance security dilemma, alliance functions, alliance institutionalization, and the dynamics of asymmetrical alliances.
Obligation to seek a preliminary ruling before the CJEU and the European Court of Human Rights [in Japanese]
AbstractCase note “Affaire Sanofi Pasteur c. France, Requête nº25137/16”. A case in which the European Court of Human Rights ruled that the failure of a national court to seek a preliminary ruling before the CJEU constituted a violation of human rights.
The reasons behind BTS’s Worldwide success [in Japanese]
AbstractBTS, a boy-band from South Korea, has become a global hit, ranking at the top not only in Japan but also in the US. It has also been nominated for a US Grammy Award announced in March of 2021.
Bolstering Japan’s Foreign Policy Image: Inside Kishida’s Human Rights Diplomacy
AbstractThis articles examines background forces and challenges in Kishida administration's human rights diplomacy.
A Guide to the Court of Justice of the European Union [in Japanese]
AbstractThis book is an introdoctory book about the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). The book is the first book about the CJEU which is written in Japanese. It explains what the CJEU is, how the CJEU functions, the judicial procedures and judicial statistics. In addition, the book mentions to interviews with the president, the first adovocate general and others of the CJEU, which the author had.