April 12, 2023 events <Hitotsubashi people only>【GGR Brown Bag Lunch Seminar】What is ESG investment?: The Intersection of Global Issues and Businesses
April 11, 2023 events 【GGR Brown Bag Lunch Seminar】Autocratization and the constitutions: Double-edged swords for democracy?
April 11, 2023 news Foresights Workshop on ‘Law and Artificial Intelligence’ in association with the University of Cambridge Centre for Business Research (CBR)
March 30, 2023 events 【GGR Talk Session】The Remains of the Day: Effects of Experience under Authoritarian Regimes on Political Nostalgia after Democratization
March 27, 2023 news Comment for “Former Leader of Largest Opposition Party to be Imprisoned for 27 Years Before General Election for “Conspiring with Foreign Powers and Treason”” [In Japanese]