Press Conference Following the Third Session of the International Group of Eminent Persons [in Japanese]

On December 9, 2023, the Nikkei Shimbun published an article entitled “Aiming for Nuclear Disarmament, Proposal with Chinese and Russian Experts for NPT26 Meeting,” quoting remarks of Professor Nobumasa Akiyama at a press conference who attended the third session of the International Group of Eminent Persons. The conference, in which members from both nuclear-weapon states and non-nuclear-weapon states, including China and Russia, will discuss and make recommendations for the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference in 2026, with the aim of finding a landing place where each country can cooperate in a situation of growing concern about the use of nuclear weapons. Professor Akiyama commented as follows “There is a consensus that ‘Nagasaki should be the last place to be bombed. It is important to reaffirm our commitment to the risks of nuclear weapons.”