Comment on “Over 500 Rohingya feared dead as Cyclone “Mocha” hits Myanmar” [in Japanese]

On May 16, 2023, Asahi Shimbun introduced a comment by Professor Maiko Ichihara, GGR Researcher and Professor at the Graduate School of Law, Hitotsubashi University. She commented on the article “Over 500 Rohingya are feared dead as Cyclone “Mocha” hits Myanmar.” This article describes the confirmation of over 500 casualties among the Rohingya minority, who are Muslims, due to the impact of Cyclone “Mocha” in Myanmar. She expresses the dire situation where victims of natural disasters are also emerging amidst the ongoing killings by the national military. In response to this situation, Professor Ichihara urges the international community to swiftly negotiate with the Myanmar military to deliver the necessary assistance packages.