The Prosecutor’s Discretion at the International Criminal Court
DateDecember 25, 2022
BibliographyThe Prosecutor’s Discretion at the International Criminal Court
AuthorHitomi TAKEMURA
Summary On December 25, 2022, a new book by Dr. Hitomi Takemura, Professor of the Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Law, entitled “The Prosecutor’s Discretion at the International Criminal Court” was published. Now that twenty years have passed since the issuing of the Rome Statute which declared the establishment of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Professor Takemura discusses the ICC, which yet remains increasingly prominent in the modern world, in terms of prosecutorial discretion. The book first introduces the functions and history of the ICC and then compares Japanese prosecutors with those of the ICC. It also explains the obligation of countries to cooperate with the ICC, the jurisdiction of the ICC, as well as the prosecution strategies of the Prosecutor’s Office.