Comment on “Cambodia Witnessing Strengthening of ‘Family Dominance’: Opposition Leader Highlights Suppression of Free Speech’’ [in Japanese]

On February 9, 2024, a comment of Professor Maiko Ichihara of the Graduate School of Law on the Asahi Shimbun article, “Cambodia Witnessing Strengthening of ‘Family Dominance’: Opposition Leader Highlights Suppression of Free Speech” was published. This article is about an interview with Teav Vannol, leader of the Candlelight Party (CP), a leading opposition party in Cambodia, who visited Japan amid the worsening situation of democracy in Cambodia. Professor Ichihara commented that the CP leader’s visit to Japan and his explanation of the current situation was a desirable move for Japanese society and that the political system in Cambodia and other countries with symbolic elections should not be called democracy. She also stated that it is necessary to keep a close watch on future developments in Cambodia.