Comment on “Myanmar’s Ethnic Minority Militants are on the Offensive in North-Eastern Myanmar, with the Occupation of Many Military Bases and Other Locations.” [in Japanese]

On November 1, 2023, Asahi Shimbun introduced a comment by Professor Maiko Ichihara at the Graduate School of Law on the article titled, “Myanmar’s Ethnic Minority Militants are on the Offensive in North-Eastern Myanmar, with the Occupation of Many Military Bases and Other Locations.” This article is about the increased attacks on the army in northeastern Myanmar in October by three ethnic minority armed groups who are trying to end dictatorship. Professor Ichihara stated that the National Unity Government (NUG) has been trying to encourage soldiers leave the Myanmar army and that the number of security forces, soldiers, and police deserting the army is increasing. She points out that this is partly due to the junta’s failure to pay insurance benefits to junior officers, and the forced purchase of shares in military companies, which has lowered the morale of the army, and that the recent offensive by ethnic minority armed groups in the northeast of the country will determine Myanmar’s future.