Comment on “‘Foreign Languages are the Gateway’ According to the President of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, the Reason for Accepting the Afghan Teacher” [in Japanese]

On October 25, 2023, Asahi Shimbun introduced a comment by Professor Maiko Ichihara at the Graduate School of Law on the article titled, “‘Foreign Languages are the Gateway’ According to the President of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS), the Reason for Accepting the Afghan Teacher.” This article is about TUFS’ acceptance of Hasibullah Mowahed, who studied at TUFS, as a temporary faculty member. Professor Ichihara pointed out that TUFS’s willingness to help others, even at the cost of time and money, is essential for developing true diversity and social problem-solving skills. On the other hand, she commented that such activities require a great deal of effort and that government support is needed to prevent university professors from becoming worn out.