Appearance on “G7 Hiroshima in Review ”[in Japanese]

On June 3, 2023, the program “G7 Hiroshima in Review” with Professor Nobumasa Akiyama, Director of the Graduate School of International and Public Policy, was broadcast on the International Politics Channel. The program covers the G7 Hiroshima Summit from 19-21 May, including commentary on the names of the leaders, the laying of flowers at the cenotaph, and the G7+Ukraine Summit. Director Akiyama stated that the words of Prime Minister Kishida and President Biden on the list of names lacked some resonance, but that the words inscribed on the list were of great significance in showing that nuclear weapons should not be used and what the tragedy of Hiroshima means for humanity. He also said that cooperation with Russia, China, Iran, India, and other countries is also essential to achieve the “world without nuclear weapons” that the citizens of Hiroshima expect. He further commented that President Yun’s laying of flowers at the cenotaph together with Prime Minister Kishida was of great significance to the Korean hibakusha living in Japan and was also important as one of the steps towards reconciliation in Japan-Korea relations.