Comment on “Posing in Front of the Eiffel Tower: LDP Women’s Bureau’s Training in France, Posting Draws Wave of Criticism.”[in Japanese]

On July 31, 2023, comments of Professor Maiko Ichihara of the Graduate School of Law on the Asahi Shimbun article, “Posing in Front of the Eiffel Tower: LDP Women’s Bureau’s Training in France, Draws Wave of Criticism,” was published. This article discusses a controversial photo allegedly taken by the LDP Women’s Bureau during a training visit to France, which has been criticized on social networking sites. Professor Ichihara explained that in the age of SNS, people, including politicians, aim to attract public attention by attaching photos in addition to text information, and commented that in the arena of social media, where emotional content can easily spread, such behavior could be perceived as a mere display of self-promotion, and could easily invite criticism. She added that this kind of behavior wasnot limited to politicians.