Democracy and Human Rights Program
【GGR Workshop】Youth Weaving Asia’s Future: Dialogue on Political Participation with Young Voices for Myanmar and Hong Kong
DateAugust 28, 2023
PlaceKunitachi campus, Hitotsubashi University
Event Outline

Be it Hong Kong, Myanmar or Thailand, it’s young people in their teens and twenties who are raising their voices for a freer future. They are exercising their rights outside the ballot box, in places where free and fair elections are absent. Outside of these countries, young supporters are also raising funds, reporting what’s happening on the ground, and cheering them on.

On the other hand, in many parts of Asia, such as China, Japan, and Singapore, young people are said to be becoming increasingly apolitical. With weakening political stability and the rise of populism everywhere, it is imperative to learn how young people can participate in politics to build a freer, more prosperous, and more stable future.

This event brings together young leaders of Myanmar, Hong Kong, and Japan, who have been fighting for the future of Myanmar and Hong Kong, and discusses with them the desirable form of political participation for the youth.

Anybody who pre-register is welcome to join the event.


Title Youth Weaving Asia’s Future: Dialogue on Political Participation with Young Voices for Myanmar and Hong Kong
Speakers Moe Htet Yan (Karenni youth activist)

Wataru Ishikawa (Graduate student, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies; Japan Representative, Japan Myanmar Future Creative Association)

Athena Kerin Tong (Visiting Researcher and Academic Specialist, University of Tokyo; Board member, Japan Hong Kong Democracy Alliance)

Mr. Wally (artist and musician)

Date/Time August 28, 2023 (Mon.)/ 14:00-16:30
Venue Kunitachi campus, Hitotsubashi University (Venue will be notified by email before the event)
Language Japanese and English (with English-Japanese consecutive interpretation)