Human Rights across Asia: Dilemmas and Solutions

The Jeju Forum for Peace and Prosperity was held for three days from May 31, 2023, and Professor Maiko Ichihara at the Graduate School of Law participated in a panel titled “Human Rights across Asia: Dilemmas and Solutions.” The panel discussed various challenges such as discrimination, violation of human rights, surveillance in Asian countries, and solutions for a more just world. Professor Ichihara highlighted examples of human rights issues in China, Russia, Malaysia, India, and other Asian countries. She explained the case of Malaysia, where the government concentrated power by neutralizing the functionality of the parliament during the COVID-19 crisis, and the enactment of laws to suppress journalists under the guise of combating COVID-19 disinformation. She also emphasized that authoritarian countries are attacking democracy itself to destabilize democratic nations. Lastly, she stated that Asian countries face a wide range of humanitarian crises.