Democracy and Human Rights Program
Two Years after the Coup: What is Myanmar’s Future? Pointing a Gun on its People, Democratization is Moving Further Away: “Turning the Attention toward the Increasing Number of Refugees” [In Japanese]

Professor Maiko Ichihara of Graduate School of Law at Hitotsubashi University, appeared on an article published by Chunichi Simbun on January 30, 2023. Two years after the coup in Myanmar, the conflict between the military and the people still continues. Professor Ichihara addresses this problem and discusses how Japan’s stance towards ASEAN has influenced the situation in Myanmar. She argues that with the ASEAN presidency changing this year, Japan must work together with the ASEAN countries to ensure a more effective approach towards the Myanmar military. In the end, the professor points out that while the Kishida administration has been proactive in accepting refugees from Ukraine, they have not done the same for Myanmar refugees. She stresses that Japan should take action in establishing a more efficient system of accepting refugees from Myanmar in order to maintain consistency in the messages it sends to the international community.
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