Sasakawa Peace Foundation Japan-U.S. Program Round-table Discussion: “U.S. Nuclear Policy and Deterrence Strategy: Russia-Ukraine War and It’s Implications for the Indo-Pacific”

On December 10, 2022, Professor Nobumasa Akiyama appeared as a moderator on a round-table discussion series released by the Sasakawa Peace Foundation, entitled “U.S. Nuclear Policy and Deterrence Strategy: Russia-Ukraine War and It’s Implications for the Indo-Pacific.” Other participants included Brad Roberts (Director at the Center for Global Security Research of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Sugio Takahashi (Head of the Defense Policy Division in the Policy Studies Department at the National Institute for Defense Studies), and Masaru Murano (Japan Chair fellow at the Hudson Institute). In addition to introducing “The End of Nuclear Oblivion: The Era of Nuclear Weapons Restoration” (Keiso Shobo, 2019), edited by Prof. Akiyama and Mr. Takahashi, as well as the Japanese translation of Mr. Roberts’ book “The Case for U.S. Nuclear Weapons in the 21st Century” (Keiso Shobo, 2022), published this August, the panelists also expressed their opinions on the trends of US nuclear policy and deterrence strategy, along with other issues such as the Russo-Ukrainian War and the problems in the Indo-Pacific region, as well as Japan’s perspective on global issues, and arms control.