The Challenge of “Chinese Democracy” (2) [in Japanese]
DateNovember, 2022
BibliographyThe Hitotsubashi journal of law and international studies (Vol. 21, Issue 3)
AuthorMakoto TAJIMI
Summary In November 2022, an article by Dr. Makoto Tajimi, professor of Hitotsubashi University′s Graduate School of Law a­nd researcher of GGR, was published in the latest version of the Hitotsubashi Journal of Law a­nd International Studies. The article examines in detail the contents of the white paper “Democracy in the United States” issued by China′s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The purpose of the article is not to analyze the “democratic situation” of the United States itself, but to clarify China′s (namely the Ministry of Foreign Affairs′) theory of “democracy” through an examination of the content a­nd aspects of the Foreign Ministry′s criticism of “American-style democracy.” Through this discussion, Professor Tajimi aims to gain insight into the picture a­nd positioning of “Chinese-style democracy,” which has been presented as a new “universal” alternative to “American-style democracy,” a­nd to forecast the future of the world that lies ahead.