El funeral de Shinzo Abe divide a Japón (Shinzo Abe’s funeral divides Japan) [in Spanish]
DateSeptember 27, 2022
BibliographyEL PAÍS
Summary On September 27, 2022, the Spanish newspaper EL PAÍS published an article on former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s state funeral in which GGR researcher a­nd Professor Hitomi Takemura’s (Graduate School of Law/School of International and Public Policy) comments were introduced as well. The article describes some major events a­nd accomplishments of Abe’s regime a­nd draws the connection between those a­nd the reasons why so many people rallied to protest against the funeral. It is reported that some legal experts questioned the legitimacy of the state funeral, as did the opponents of the state funeral having denounced the tribute to the politician who tried to revise the pacifist constitution.. The article further discusses the story behind the accused, Tetsuya Yamagami, as well as his ties to the Unification Church, a­nd the possible punishments he could face. In this context, Professor Takemura provides insight into the differences between the punishments that the perpetrator could face depending on his psychiatric assessment.