<For Hitotsubashi people ONLY>【GGR Workshop】How to Make a Difference with Impactful Visuals: From Graphs to Presentations
DateOctober 6, 2022 (Thu.)
Time17:10-18:55 (5th period)
Place#307, Lecture Building 2
Event Outline

The Institute for Global Governance Research (GGR) will be holding a workshop on visual aids on Thursday, October 6, 2022 in the 5th period. You will learn how to create graphs and presentations that are easy to understand, using the Power Point and the Google Data Studio. This event is for Hitotsubashi people only.


Title How to Make a Difference with Impactful Visuals: From Graphs to Presentations
Speaker Sascha Hannig Nuñez (Master’s student, School of International and Public Policy; GGR assistant; Associate Researcher, IDD (Chile))
Interpreter Michał Skubisz (Master’s student, School of International and Public Policy)
Date/Time October 6, 2022 (Thu.), 17:10-18:55 (5th period)
Venue #307, Lecture Building 2
Eligible Participants Hitotsubashi students, faculty members, and staffers
Language English (with simultaneous interpretation in Japanese)
Pre-Registration https://hrs.ad.hit-u.ac.jp/v33/entries/add/528


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We look forward to your participation.

Institute for Global Governance Research, Hitotsubashi University