【GGR Brown Bag Lunch Seminar】Reading US-China Relations from the Perspective of Chinese Diplomatic History
DateFebruary 14, 2022
Event Outline

The Institute for Global Governance Research (GGR) held its first GGR workshop on February 14, 2022. Having Professor Hideki Ishizuka of the Graduate School of Law as the lecturer, the workshop was on US-China Relations from the Perspective of Chinese Diplomatic History.

Discussions were held on the need to view current US-China relations from a long-term and multifaceted perspective, including the perspectives of diplomatic history, non-confrontational aspects, and the core interests of the two countries. Japanese bias in understanding China and the necessity to accurately describe history was stressed as well. More than 20 faculty members and graduate students attended the seminar to learn from Professor Ishizuka’s rich experience as a practitioner, and engaged in lively discussions on a wide range of issues, including China’s view of international order, the handling of diplomatic documents as historical documents, the relationship between demographic/economic changes and politics, and academic research from the perspective of practitioners.



【Event report prepared by】
SUZUKI Ryohei (Doctoral Student, Graduate School of Law, Hitotsubashi University)