Comment on ” Outlandish Conspiracy Theories and False Rumors Are China’s New Weapon” [in Danish]

On December 4, 2023, Berlingske published comments by Democracy and Human Rights Program Visiting Fellow Chihhao Yu in the article “Outlandish Conspiracy Theories and False Rumors Are China’s New Weapon” in the newspaper Berlingske. The article writes about a global network of influencers, media, and young people who hope to make people love Beijing and fear the United States through outlandish conspiracy theories and misinformation, and no one feels this more than the Taiwanese and then discusses four issues in particular that are vulnerable. Based on his research on Chinese misinformation, fake news, and propaganda through extensive data collection, Mr. Yu said that China’s attempts to influence Taiwan by manipulating information through digital platforms and social media are massive. He also commented that China is the largest foreign power in information manipulation and that Taiwan’s experience is something the world can learn from.