Comment on “Jail Sentence for Social Networking Posts During Study in Japan; Hong Kong Court Sentences for Inciting National Division” [in Japanese]

On November 3, 2023, Professor Maiko Ichihara of the Graduate School of Law commented on the Asahi Shimbun article, “Jail Sentence for SNS Posting During Study in Japan: Hong Kong Court Sentences for Inciting National Disunity.” This article is about a university student studying in Japan who was convicted of inciting national division and sentenced to two months in prison by a Hong Kong court for posting support for Hong Kong independence on a social networking site. Professor Ichihara stated that even if the university had judged the student’s social networking posts to be radical, it was irresponsible for the university not to issue a statement protesting the fact that the student had been sentenced to prison for posts made based on freedom of thought and speech. She also pointed out that it was a clear violation of sovereignty to apply the National Security Law to words and actions in Japan and that the Japanese government should announce clear measures to protect the dignity and safety of Hong Kong residents working within the Japanese territory.