Comment on “Despite Higher World Ranking, Kyoto University Fails to be Selected for International University of Research Excellence” [in Japanese]

On September 1, 2023,  Professor Maiko Ichihara of the Graduate School of Law commented on the Asahi Shimbun article “Despite Higher World Ranking, Kyoto University Fails to be Selected for International University of Research Excellence.” The article states that the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology announced the results of the first selection for the ‘International University of Research Excellence’ on September 1, 2023, which aims to be a world-class research institution, and that universities like the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University were not selected. Professor Ichihara commented that if only universities with high international rankings are to receive funding, it would only strengthen existing social structures and make it difficult to make changes. Instead, we should break preconceptions and support transforming organizations and people, she points out. She also point out the issue that an article title like this could strengthen people’s preconceptions.