<For Hitotsubashi people only>【GGR Talk Session】Russia-Ukraine War and its Impact on the Caucasus
DateMarch 3th, 2023 (Fri.)
Place#3302 Mercury Tower
Event Outline

The Institute for Global Governance Research (GGR) is delighted to announce that we will host a talk session with Dr. Anna Dolidze (Research Lead, Rabdan Academy, UAE) on March 3, 2023.


Title: Russia-Ukraine War and its Impact on the Caucasus
Speaker: Anna Dolidze (Research Lead, Rabdan Academy, UAE)
Date/Time: March 3th, 2023 (Fri.), 13:30-14:30
Venue: #3302 Mercury Tower
Language: English
Pre-registration: https://hrs.ad.hit-u.ac.jp/v33/entries/add/583


【Lecture Introduction】Anna Dolidze
Dr Anna Dolidze is a Lead Researcher and Associate Professor in Policing and Security at Rabdan Academy, UAE. Previously, she was a member of the High Council of Justice in Georgia, served as the Chief Legal Officer for the President and a Deputy Minister of Defence. Dr. Dolidze has received a Bachelor’s Degree cum laude from Tbilisi State University, Master’s Degree in Law from Leiden University and a JSD from Cornell University, all on full scholarship. Prior to her public service appointments, Dr. Dolidze was an Assistant Professor of Law at the University of Western Ontario. She combines academic, professional, and Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) experience, having worked with Save the Children, and served as Chairwoman for the Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association (GYLA), the largest advocacy organization in Georgia. Dr. Dolidze has been recognized as a Young European Leader by Atlantic Brucke and as among the twelve women globally as Women on the Barricades by the Norwegian Helsinki Committee.