Comment on “Edano’s Statement on ‘Interpreting Within the Scope of Individual Self-Defense’ Deemed ‘Groundless’” [in Japanese]

On September 20, 2024, a comment of Professor Maiko Ichihara of the Graduate School of Law on the Asahi Shimbun article, “Edano’s Statement on ‘Interpreting Within the Scope of Individual Self-Defense’ Deemed ‘Groundless’” was published. This article discusses a statement made by former Constitutional Democratic Party leader Yukio Edano, in which he claimed that “an armed attack against a foreign country resulting in threatening Japan’s survival,” as permitted under the security laws passed in 2015, could be interpreted as falling within the scope of individual self-defense. Professor Ichihara commented that publishing such an article as a fact-check piece could affect its credibility, and if it is to be published, it should be done so as a regular article.