Comment on “Fleeing Oppression: Myanmar Filmmaker’s Self-Documentary Reveals Devastation” [in Japanese]

On April 22, 2024, a comment of Professor Maiko Ichihara of the Graduate School of Law on the Asahi Shimbun article, “Fleeing Oppression: Myanmar Filmmaker’s Self-Documentary Reveals Devastation” was pubished. This article features an interview with Mr. Ko Paw, a prominent Myanmar director and actor, who created the documentary film “Path to Dawn.” This film depicts his life in hiding as he is chased after by the Myanmar military. Professor Ichihara noted that, compared to Ukraine or Gaza, there is limited on-the-ground reporting about Myanmar. She praised the film for its immersive depiction of the country’s dire circumstances, emphasizing that the director’s self-documentation while in hiding helps to widely publicize the current situation in Myanmar.