Comment on “Wife of Navalny Pledges to Carry on His Legacy: About 60,000 Demand Handover of His Body” [in Japanese]

On February 19, 2024, a comment of Professor Maiko Ichihara of the Graduate School of Law on the Asahi Shimbun article, “Wife of Navalny Pledges to Carry on His Legacy: About 60,000 Demand Handover of His Body” was published. This article is about the demand to hand over the body of Russian anti-government leader Alexey Navalny, who died in prison, to his family. Professor Ichihara commented that only the people of the country can change the state of their country and that she hopes the outrage over Navalny’s death will continue to spread and become a groundswell in Russia, and that it is important for foreign countries to continue to provide moral support to Russians who speak out.