Comment on “Mounting Calls for Military Leadership Change from Pro-Army Faction… Dissatisfaction with Combat in Myanmar” [in Japanese]

On January 27, 2024, a comment of Professor Maiko Ichihara of the Graduate School of Law on the Asahi Shimbun article, “Mounting Calls for Military Leadership Change from Pro-Army Faction… Dissatisfaction with Combat in Myanmar” was published. This article discusses the unprecedented situation in Myanmar, where internal dissatisfaction within the army is increasing amidst the nationwide expansion of combat with ethnic minority armed groups, three years after the coup. Professor Ichihara emphasized the necessity of persuading the army to abandon combat and seek peace in a manner that reflects the demands of the democratic National Unity Government (NUG) and ethnic minority groups. She highlighted the importance of strengthening pressure on the army and convincing the top commander, not just by ASEAN alone but also through collaboration with relevant countries.