Democracy and Human Rights Program
【GGR Brown Bag Lunch Seminar】Humanitarianism i in Theory and Practice: The Case of Solidarity-based Assistance in Myanmar
DateAugust 29 (Tue.), 2023
PlaceKunitachi Campus, Hitotsubashi University (Venue will be notified after pre-registration)
Event Outline

We are delighted to announce that we will hold GGR Brown Bag Lunch Seminar as follows. Anybody who pre-register is welcome to join the event.

Title  Humanitarianism i in Theory and Practice: the Case of Solidarity-based Assistance in Myanmar
Speakers Masao Imamura (Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Yamagata University)
Date/Time August 29 (Tue.), 2023, / 14:30-15:30
Venue  Kunitachi Campus, Hitotsubashi University (Venue will be notified after pre-registration)
Language Japanese

【About the Lecturer】

Masao Iwamura

Masao Imamura is Professor in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at Yamagata University, Japan. Born and raised in Kamakura (Japan), he studied philosophy at Oberlin College (USA) and then worked as a librarian at St. John’s College in New Mexico (USA), before moving to Thailand to work for environmental NGOs and eventually earning a doctoral degree from the National University of Singapore (NUS) with a dissertation on Christian conversion of the Kachin people in northern Myanmar. His main interest has been the modern history of upland Southeast Asia. Since the military coup in 2021, he has written a few articles in which Myanmar’s current crisis is analyzed in the historical context of civil war and political violence, in addition to leading a crowdfunding campaign which raised 55 million Yen for humanitarian assistance.